When I got the picture message from my Mom, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Was that a black kitten in her arms? One phone call to her and I was in my car driving to the scene of the incident.
Come to find out, a little black kitten was dropped in my Mom and Fitz's backyard, underneath their window, and in a space between boxes about 8" wide and 2' long. Supposedly, the momma cat must have gotten spooked and left the kitten there for safekeeping. He meowed most of the night and, when Fitz went to investigate, found the pour little guy.
A trip to Petsmart to purchase kitten milk mix to bottle feed and they were on their way. Of course, their cat, Sam, wanted NOTHING to do with the little guy. Plus, Mom and Fitz were leaving to go see my nephew in the morning. So, I offered to "foster" the kitten knowing full well what would end up happening.
I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the Deacon four-legged clan: Jake Maguire Fitzpatrick Deacon. It's a mouthful, but with what he's already been through, I'm sure he can live up to his name!
1 comment:
Such a cutie! I am so glad that you are blogging again! If I can just remember to check it from time to time!
Your fellow "Blogger",
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